Here are a few well-known Nepali slogans that have garnered traction over time:
1."जनताले जनताको नियन्त्रण गर्छ" (People govern people): This slogan emphasizes the idea of people having power over their own government and decision-making processes.
2."अरुको लागि, आफूले निकाल " (For others, take the initiative): This motto encourages people to take the initiative and be proactive in helping others and achieving positive changes.
3."यो आफ्नो देश हो " (This is your own country): This slogan tries to develop in citizens a sense of ownership and responsibility for their country.
4."यो मात्रै नेपाल हो" (This is just Nepal): This phrase underlines Nepal's uniqueness and significance as a distinct country with its own identity and culture.
5.",हामी राम्रो, नेपाल राम्रो" (We are good, Nepal is good): This slogan supports the belief that through being good individuals, Nepali residents contribute to the nation's overall well-being and success.
6."समृद्ध नेपाल, सुखी नेपाली" (Happy Nepali, Prosperous Nepal): This motto embodies Nepalese aspirations for a wealthy and content society.
7."नयाँ नेपाल, संघीय नेपाल"(New Nepal, Federal Nepal): This slogan encapsulates the vision and purpose of creating a new and improved Nepal with a federal governance system.
These slogans have been used to convey messages and gather support for specific causes or ideas in a variety of contexts, including political campaigns, social movements, and public awareness campaigns.